Happy days! www.northernspanking.com have just finished editing 'Ghastly Amelia-Jane', which is, to date, one of my very favourite shoots ever-in-the-world. Lucy kindly asked me what I'd like to shoot and I, with a general lack of professionalism, just reeled off what I was fantasising most about at the time. Which was;-
a) Being woken up especially in order to be punished. This is actually one of the few fantasies I have which I don't actually want fulfilled (PLEASE, BDM). I hate waking up, and am groggy and sad if made to do so. But the idea of being punished while that defenseless is hot. And I've always fondly imagined that I'd be super at withstanding interrogation with sleep deprevation thrown in. In my fantasies, I'm always very brave :)
b) Being punished by a private tutor. I like the combination of spanking and spelling tests very much (what a freak - I never revised for them when I was actually at school, and hated them very much - though not as much as times-tables. But now I LOVE them). I like trying to get the answers right. Watch the video and see if you can guess whether I'm being deliberately stupid, or whether, perhaps, I don't know very much about structural engineering....
The film is going up on Northern Spanking in several parts, starting this week. So go along and have a look. When I watched the final edit, I laughed a lot; it's proper spanking - and I loved Paul's efforts to be reasonable and patient - he puts in a a super perfomance.
Thank you, Lucy, for letting me shoot my fantasy! And thank you also for photographing me so that I'd look small. I really do, and it makes me so happy!