Which means that 2014 is a perfect time for me to focus more than usually on my fetish work. What fun! I've always considered myself to be a rather dilettante, slap-dash fetish model, because a large part of my modelling career has been spent on non-fetish projects, and I've only rarely managed to fit spanking bookings into my schedule because of not being able to be marked very often.
But for now, that's not so much the case. Hooray! So this year so far almost all of my shoots have been very fetishy indeed. And I'm planning to spread my wings a little with trying to represent some fetishes I've not tried shooting before. Stay tuned - I'll try to do them well!
So here's one of the shots from lovely US photographer Busby Wilder, who travelled over from New York for this shoot (well, not only for this shoot, I don't suppose, but I wish to flatter myself with this idea). What lovely fun! It's a tribute to Man Ray's famous photograph, but with added kink.
Hmm, that's not very big, is it? Lord knows why, I'm sure it's not his fault. I hate computers. Hate, hate, hate. It is not Computer '14 for me though, so I can wallow in ignorance with impunity. Hope you have good eyesight! Anyway, what a lovely idea, and I liked having the fun body paint applied!
And Busby Wilder, not content with doing a stills shoot, also shot this interview with all sorts of surprising questions, some of which made me hide behind my hands, blush, or make weird shrieking noises. Golly. Hope you enjoy it!
Oh God, it won't bloody upload. Why?? WHY??? I'll try to get it up here later, with the help of people who have more skill than me. I'm like a bloody gibbon when it comes to my laptop. Off I go to smash it against a window sill, whilst jumping up and down and hooting.
Hahahahaha, I fixed it! Ha! I am an IT genius and am available to hire as such. Whoooooo! Whoooooooo!
Oh Gah, I have not exactly fixed it. You can't see the whole screen, and therefore may not be able to deduce that the name of the piece is 'Restrained Eloquence'. Which is rather clever, unlike me this morning.