Saturday 7 June 2008


I do apologise to everyone, I'm not really at home at the moment and I'm struggling with keeping up with computer-things... Maybe I should buy a tiny little laptop thing, and then I could post when I'm working away from home... Starting next week, I shall be in ;-

Milton Keynes :)
and Spain until mid August.

So if I'm rubbish at blogging, that will be the reason. I'll do my best though, cos I love it....

In the meantime, I want to sort out a couple of things for people who've kindly commented here :)

Firstly - I do apologise to anyone who's linked to me and I haven't returned the favour. If that's the case (or if you want me to link to you) please reply to this post, letting me know where your blog is, and I'll sort it out. Sorry, I'm still a bit confused by how it all works...

Secondly - I'm really sorry to anyone who's made enquiries about one-to-one spanking sessions. I'm afraid I don't ever do them, for a couple of reasons. Mainly, although I really like doing BDSM at work, I feel a bit weird if the person who's paying me is also the one doing the spanking - I like the top/Dom to have been hired to do the job, the same as me. I'm not sure why, but it feels like there's more professional distance built in that way. Also, since starting my relationship with the BDM, I try to keep some things just between us, and playing privately with anyone else would make me feel as though I was taking something away from our relationship...

I imagine that if I tried to do one-to-ones, I'd be a bit rubbish because I'd be trying to stay as arms-length as possible, which I'm guessing would be reeeeeeally tedious and not very hot. Whereas when I'm making spanking films I can throw myself into it because I feel really comfortable (except for my bottom, obviously...)

But thank you very much to everyone who's enquired, I'm very flattered :)

And thank you to everyone who's kindly offered to be my bodyguard. I feel very much in need of at least one and shall be organising a rota very soon. Obviously, I won't necessarily do what you tell me to, even if you think it's for my own safety. In fact, I shall probably ignore you and be extremely rude if you try to impose your rules on me. Hmmm.

Mwah, mwah :)

Ariel and Amelia (Ariel will treat the bodyguard very well, by the way, it's only Amelia who's planning to be difficult...)


Anonymous said...

Dear Ariel / Amelia

I really cannot understand why your blog has not been flooded with further comment and enquiry about your proposed rota system: either this board is inhabited by a lot of self-infatuated dreamers, or you are not being entirely clear about your requirement for a bodyguard. Which is it?

By your own admission you are not yet famous enough to need a bodyguard to protect you from public harm, so one must presume that you require a more paternalistic bodyguard to protect you from the possible harmful consequences of your own voluntary choices and undertakings. And as you have also made it abundantly clear that you do not always intend to heed the advice of your bodyguard you hardly need me to point out that this sort of attitude will nearly always result in some consequence.

So stop hankering after the capable, military hunk who's also been trained to kill! Just a little reflection (and you need really do no more than consider the experience of our own royal bodyguards) will soon make you realise that this type of bodyguard expends so much effort trying to blend into the background that there will be absolutely no time or opportunity to protect you (especially if action must be undertaken against your own will).

I suggest the right person will need to display utmost discretion, good observational skills, unquestionable integrity, some power of persuasion and almost limitless patience. And I have no doubt he will be tested in all of these areas!

Perhaps you would like to set the ball rolling by elaborating on what exactly it is that you do want protection against?

Good luck in your quest (and I am always happy to provide additional advice on a consultancy basis!)


Spank-A-Lot said...

Hi Amelia/Ariel,
First off, I linked to you. But not because I expected a link back but rather because I like your work. Nevertheless, with your offer to link back, I would be a complete idiot to not take you up on it. With that being said by blog is

Do keep up the hard work with the spanking videos, it is great!


Ariel/Amelia said...

Hi Spank-a-lot (I hope you do...) I've just linked to you, so do let me know if I've done it wrong...

Hmm, Matthew; thank you; I hadn't considered how carefully I should be thinking about what sort of bodyguard I need... The question clearly needs a great deal of thought, and I'll post about it once I've got a clear job description in mind... Thank you very much for your help as a consultant in this important matter.

Ariel :)

Jake and Nomi's Spanking Delights said...


I linked to you for two reasons. I met you in Brighton about two and half years ago and I must say I was so impressed by your acting skills and your speaking voice. That has to be a trained voice, I think. You have an eligant beauty about you which is outstanding. The other reason that I linked to you is through Pandora Blake's interest in you that we found your wonderful site.
I have something that I wish to debate with you and it is something that Nomi brought up. In one of the spanking clips on firmhandspanking where you are being a spy, you were spanked on the backs of the leg (ouch!) which must have hurt a great deal, did you suggest this or firmhandspanking and did you enjoy it (as much as you can!) because the clip gives the impression that you were in a lot of distress! was that the case? We're very eager bunneys to know!
Take care

Anonymous said...

I love the first commenter here, who wrote a 2-page essay on this topic.

.....briefly, I could be your bodyguard, as I know KUNG FU! errm....well I've seen a lot of Kung Fu movies, actually..soo.....

btw, I love you how say i.e. I'm 'rubbish' about blogging. It's quite cute.


Anonymous said...

You're going to be in pain until mid-August? Excellent (as long as it's the right type of pain, of course ;) )

Anonymous said...

Hi Amelia!

I guess you are nowhere near a computer, as you warned us would be the case.

Do you find it increasingly difficult having to keep your thoughts entirely professional and vanilla for weeks on end? (Not sure what makes me think this might be the case - maybe it's not!)

We imagine you in Sweden or Switzerland or wherever, feeling somewhat distracted by how long the hunk of a photographer is taking to adjust the reflectors, and all the time thinking "Why am I being so rude to him? I'm not normally like that, am I? Why can't he realise that I'm just aching to have him flip me over his knee and vent his frustrations on my upturned bottom? I suppose the resultant glow might just ruin the rest of the shoot. On the other hand ..."

And what advice to you have to others who may be in your siuation but haven't yet 'come out'? How did you set about telling family and friends - and did they react the way you expected?

All the best ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Amelia,

Do you travel that much beaucoup of the modeling?

I hope you have a good time traveling! I saw your videos you shot with GBS, and they are great! You have done an amazing job! You sure know how to act!


Anonymous said...

Hope your travels are going well! Today I put up the beginning of the last photoset I have of you, which is a sodding shame :)

Hope to work with you again one of these days.

Your fan & friend,