Saturday 30 April 2011

Amelia's Sunday Spanking

I love being a model, but I'm not a natural producer. My new project, which I'm going to try to talk about now, has actually been available to download for a few weeks, and I've put off saying anything about it. Because, while I'm confident about telling you about films I've appeared in made by other producers, this one feels pretty personal and I've had all sorts of producer-related anxiety about whether we should just re-film it all over and over again until it's a Hollywood Epic with crane shots and extras and tailored Roman Centurion costumes....

Well, it doesn't have any of those things, and I'm going to tell you about it anyway.

The BDM (Boyfriend/Dom/Master, who owns the site I help him run) and I have always loved spanking. And while we do shoot a fair amount of CP-related action for Restrained Elegance, that's not really the focus of the site. So last year when a friend of ours suggested that we maybe branch out into making feature-length productions as well as videos for Members of our site, it seemed like a brilliant opportunity to widen our fetish horizons a bit.

Which is why the BDM has launched Elegance Studios. We want to have a go at shooting fetish movies with the highest standards that a niche producers budget will allow. Have a look at the trailer for the first movie to see what I mean. My experience of the fetish film industry is that locations, camera work and editing are quite often a lower priority than the quality of the BDSM action, and while that's totally understandable, we like the idea of aiming for something with the highest production values we can achieve without the BBC's budget (though, naturally, if anyone would like to give us the BBC's budget, we'll try not to blow it all on catering).

So once the first movie was edited, we had a go at Amelia's Sunday Spanking which is an idea we'd wanted to do for ages. I love the idea of formalised discipline sessions, and I also really liked the idea of shooting a whole spanking movie where all the punishments were on unmarked skin (which obviously isn't possible if you shoot multiple scenes in a day, unless your model is made out of enamelled tin or similar). So for a month, we spent consecutive Sundays catching up with all the spankings I'd earned according to the punishment diary I was keeping.

The result is an hour-long domestic discipline movie, with loads of spanking, a number of rather brazen negotiation attempts, and an awful lot more strokes of a leather strap than I'd have agreed to if I'd had director's control! I think it's probably a one-off; future CP movies we produce are likely to be multi-location, more film-style productions with a less close-to-home storyline. But I'm really hoping that some of you might like it; it's by far the most personal project I've been involved with, and while that felt a bit uncomfortable at times, I hope that the result justifies the rather difficult and painful month I spent involved in production. Which is now, blessedly, over; and I can concentrate on my work over the next few months. Which, OMG, includes no fewer than 7 full-day spanking shoots. Which has to be a record for me.
