Sunday 11 October 2009

In her Absence

Hello everyone. This is the BDM speaking. Ariel/Amelia is not here at the moment- she's on a world tour, currently working her way around Australia before moving on to New Zealand. She begged and pleaded for me to post on her blog while she was away.

This is a bit of a tall order as I am neither as witty, as amusing, as blonde nor indeed as tall as she.

And the promised "I'll email you photos of me from all around the world" have, needless to say, not been submitted. So you won't be seeing any photos of her on tour just yet and I'll have to make do with some of the many shots we've taken for our website at Restrained Elegance this year.

She also assured me in her most unreasonably wheedling and confident tone just before she left that I could write all about how lovely she was and living with her was like living with the Queen of Love of the World and that she was lovely! LOVELY! LOVEEEELY!!!

I suspect this was a ploy to undermine my dom-ly authority and make me look like a soppy gushing fool in public :-) So I will not be falling for that.

I will say this: living with an inventive, imaginative, occasionally infuriating, gorgeous six-foot blue eyed blonde supermodel with fabulous legs that go on forever (with gorgeous bare feet- forgive me for mentioning, but I do have quite the foot fetish) who is a naturist by inclination, and a submissive masochist by deepest nature with an insatiable appetite for being spanked, caned, dominated and tied up... there's never a dull moment!

Except when she goes away on a six week world tour, of course, at which point there are quite a few dull moments in which to really miss her. All very healthy for the relationship I'm sure, and of course I knew these long trips were part of her job. But I'd like Ariel the live-in slave-girl back pretty damn soon! :-0

Although Amelia-Jane could possibly stay away a little longer, until Ariel and I have got nicely re-acquainted. I don't really want to have to spank her in the arrivals hall at Heathrow for throwing a tantrum.

(That sounds super-hot, but there are a few too many real-life-machine-gun toting guards around for my liking. Maybe I'll just make her take her shoes off, walk barefoot to the carpark and do positions training on the concrete floor before getting into the car. The boot of the car, to be taken home in chains. Naturally.)

I'm sure she'll have done just dozens of things she needs to be punished for by now. Not sending photos, for one... at least we did a full day bastinado video shoot for the site just before she left, certainly giving me some very hot memories to get by on until she gets home!

And now I can see that her cunning plan has worked: I do sound like a soppy gushing fool in public. Oh well, roll on the end of the trip and she can tell you all about it herself!



Anonymous said...


Thank you for your informative and interesting post.

I suspect I share the following feeling with many of Ariel/Amelia's fans: I sympathize with how much you must miss her while she's gone -- but my sympathy is exceeded by my jealousy that you're the one she'll come home to. ;-)

It takes a confident man to be with a woman who's taller than he is -- but if a Dom can't pull that off, who could?

There should definitely be consequences for her failure to email you photos. Is she one of those ladies who is under (any kind of even partial) control only for as long as the prospect of consequences is immediate? I'm confident you'll make sure, soon after she returns, that she sees the error of her ways.

It was SO helpful of her to suggest what you might say in your post; glad to see you preferred to think for yourself. While an undiluted paean to the joys of living with her would no doubt have assured you an affectionate greeting upon her homecoming, a less sycophantic approach was more fun for us readers.

It's interesting that Ariel represents not only the bondage side but also the slave girl. Is Amelia then not only the spanking side but also the part of her that's "as submissive as Dracula on speed"?

You caned her FEET just before she left on a world-wide tour that probably included a good deal of walking in airports? Mmmmm, that's mean. Of course, modern travel entails the bum even more than the feet, so I guess caning that would have been even more mean.

Thanks again for the post. If Ariel/Amelia reads it, realizes she's in trouble about the emailed photos, and sends some along in the hope that late is better than never, I hope you'll post them.


Pandora Blake said...

This post is ridiculously sweet.

And yeah, Doms can easily be shorter than their subs! Tom and I are, I think, exactly the same height, but he's shorter than me if I wear heels, which I like to do. It helps that he's stronger and bigger than me. I assume Hywel has a similar sort of advantage. Force of personality can count for a lot but being able to struggle without breaking your top is definitely an advantage ;)

Ariel/Amelia said...

Ooh, am commenting on my own blog, how very weird. Thanks for your comments, and hello Pandora, lovely to hear from you. Breaking your top would be very, very sad, thank heavens for strong men :) Hope to see you when I'm home!

Thank you for posting, BDM! I'll try to send pictures, and I'm very sorry I'm being a bit rubbish. Love you.

Ariel xxx

Funbun said...

Hi Amelia,

Nice to read you're visiting New Zealand as well on your World trip.
Guess you will have many appointments everywhere. But when you would like to visit "Funbun" the artist of spanking scenes, you're very welcome. Our house is on one of the most beautiful spots in NZ, overlooking the Pacific Ocean and nestled against the Kaimai mountains National Park.

You're welcome for a 'bubbly' (NZ Champagne), I can offer you and your partner free accommodation and would love to show you around in my part of this gorgeous country.

When you have time, please give me an email address so that I can give you my address and phone number in private.

Would love to meet with you in person.


Erik aka Funbun

Funbun said...

Forgot to give you my email address. Just in case...

Lucy McLean said...

Aw Hywel,

Some of us love you just as much, and sometimes a smidge more than we do our Ariel/Amelia Jane (especially when you do spectacular Russian dancing in spanking films for friends).

Miss you BOTH!


HelloMissHunter said...

Miss you too!!! Both of you! xxx

Anonymous said...

Amelia have a nice time but when you return to England please do more spanking vids at northern spanking we miss you there .love and spanks from tim xxx